
The Logistics Tender Service


The Logistics Tender Service

Logistics Tender Service is designed to simplify the process of selecting the most cost-effective offers for transporting goods for our client.

COLLABORATION: 2020 – 2021

The main goal is to simplify the tender process so that users can easily find and choose the best transportation options for their needs. Traditional participation in a tender is time-consuming and often impractical for remote participants due to paperwork and bureaucratic obstacles. The solution offered by the Logistics Tender Service addresses these issues by providing:

  1. Convenient search functionality: Users can easily search for tenders based on various criteria, making it easier to find suitable options.
  2. Quick access to documents: Tender documents and conditions are easily accessible, saving users time and effort.
  3. Simultaneous participation: Users can participate in multiple tenders simultaneously.
  4. Remote contract signing: The service allows for remote contract signing, eliminating the need for in-person meetings and paperwork.
Tender Selection

The service is integrated into the existing website. Tenders are divided into three segments:

  1. Sorting: Tenders can be sorted by direction and type, helping users narrow down their choices.
  2. General information: Each tender contains general information to provide users with a brief overview.
  3. Detailed descriptions: Users can access detailed descriptions and documents for each tender, helping them make informed decisions.
Participation in Bidding

Bidding for selected tenders takes place on a separate webpage, categorized by tender types. Users are provided with indicators to understand rates and make informed decisions.