
Russian Websites Go F Yourself


Russian Websites Go F Yourself

RWGFY is a Google Chrome browser extension that determines whether a website is Russian. You can express your trust in any website and rate profiles on social networks for trustworthiness.

INDUSTRY: Safety & Security

Checking the website for Russian origin.

With the help of the extension, the website is checked based on the following parameters:

Domain registration phone

Registration email


Trust rating for websites

The trust indicator displays the level of trust from users and visitors of the website. You can see it both in search results and on the website itself. The dynamic plugin icon changes depending on the current level of trust. Visit the site and open the plugin by clicking on its icon. A menu will appear where you can express your trust in this website.

Trust rating for social media profiles

Go to the profile on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram of the person you want to assess and activate the plugin by clicking on its icon. A menu will appear where you can express your trust in this profile.

The dynamic plugin icon changes according to the current level of trust in a specific profile. A green icon indicates a high level of trust, while a red one indicates a low level. A yellow-blue icon indicates that the profile has a neutral rating or not enough votes.

Changes in text on websites and in search results

Changes in text on websites and in search results
This plugin is capable of correcting the preposition “On” to “B” when referring to Ukraine.